WAR: 6 Years Later
Why are we still in Afghanistan looking for Bin Laden?
Why are we supporting the Afghan Army and Peoples?
WHY do we need a refresher course on the reasons of WHY when it just happened a few years ago? THAT'S my question IF you are one of the ones still asking questions. (I am
being facetious)

am tired of people taking others for granted. WE need to give the soldiers more respect.
I know many of you thought I was going to jump on the
bandwagon of bashing the President about the way he's handling this war with extremists. Like I said, if you thought
that, you don't know me. I think it's better to take the fight to them than to wait for their next move. You don't
have to like the president but these people that are fighting us want to kill the American ideology of freedom and no matter
WHO the president is, they still want us all dead. You can be a knee-jerk liberal or a tight-fisted conservative and
it won't matter to them.
You think they picked the people they
killed based on party or ethnicity? No they just wanted to send a message that they wanted to topple America, the land
of the free and the home of the brave.
I cannot fault us fighting over there after what happened 6 years ago
today. You better be glad it wasn't up to me. I wouldn't have had nearly Bush's restraint and instead would've
been looking for the launch codes to blast the region back to the stone ages.
America is typically represented
by an eagle. Osama should've read up on this Koran verse (the Islamic Bible)
Koran (9:11 )
- For it is written that a son of Arabia would awaken a fearsome Eagle. The wrath of the Eagle would be felt throughout
the lands of Allah and lo, while some of the people trembled in despair still more rejoiced; for the wrath of
the Eagle cleansed the lands of Allah; and there was peace.(Note the verse number!)
Probably NOT yet still |
I Believe In GHOSTS |
That said, we have no business in IRAQ.