When I Feed My Dog
Does That Make Him My Master?
What the heck am I talking about? I am still angry
about... I don't even want to talk about it even though I just did. Let's talk about Lucky Earl Means instead.
Lucky Earl will be a year and a half old this time next month
according to his birth certificate. I don't know because I wasn't there. Still he is ours and a part of my family.
And let me tell you, he thinks it's ALL ABOUT HIM. Food, food and more food. Me, me, me. That's our puppy
Lucky Earl.
Lucky chewed thru my HDTV flat screen's cord and now I can't see it because
it doesn't work... Lucky Earl.
ON the keyboard of this computer on my desk? Without a doubt he is looking
for a hint of food. This dog will eat ANYTHING we will eat. I cannot be surprised. Whether it is a salad
or even fish, Lucky will want some and argue to clean the plate. If we are having shrimp? Same thing. Tacos,
fajitas, whatever, Lucky is on the spot to wolf it down. Watch your fingers... he almost bit mine a few minutes ago
as I shared some beef with him from Taco Cabana. That was close. He's really the lovingest friend until
you bring out the food and then his Cujo appears.

Watch your shoes and medicine too. Yep, if I can't find it I go
looking under the master bed to see if Lucky has something he shouldn't.
Still I must say, we are the luckiest ones because we have him in our
lives. I don't mind serving him either but guess what, even though I serve him often , he will never be my
superior. The fact that he doesn't know this is not really my problem.
Of course I was
thinking about something all together different...