Why LIE When The Truth Is Better?
Welcome to RON MEANS.COM, my "Personal" website.
Even if we are acquainted I'll wager there's a LOT about me you probably don't know. I only ask that if you
have a query... Ask ME. Too often people ask other people who don't really know and they make stuff up. Not known for
mincing words, I doubt you'll meet a straighter person than me. Why lie when the truth is better?
It Happened 2 Me |
Call Me Mister Rohn |
In 2006 I lost 100% of the vision in my left eye due to glaucoma
and my doctor subsequently saved my right eye vision with surgery, leaving me with limited vision. I
won't embellish, there are many draw-backs to having limited vision but for some-odd reason... I honestly feel that I can
really see better now than I ever did before. I see people's agendas and machinations not in such a dire place as most
may imagine. My experiences in life prior to my disability where
I may have not become aware of all that too late are more readily revealed now that my attentions are less distracted, to
say the least. I pray it's a silver lining to see me through.
I created my own personal website to help accentuate my opinions of
different subjects as well as to give an in-depth perspective of many unknown things regarding character and logical reasoning.
What I am trying to say is that after reading my website if you do not understand what makes me tick, it will be as clear
as Windex does glass that you just don't want to. And from the way I look at things, either way is OK with
me and at least you will have been given an opportunity to see that everyone is not the same... You know the old adage' that
all men are this or all cops are that or what have you... I am different so do not lump me with anyone. I love driving and riding in an array of fine vehicles, preferring them to be nothing short of as awesome as
I strive personally. Click my above photo and peruse some of the things that happened
to me, if you please.

I like to read newspapers from ALL OVER THE WORLD,
a habit defined in me because both my parents were educators. You can read then too thanks to the Internet for FREE
just by clicking that revolving world above and if you just want to read the Austin paper for free it is on the left.
To some I may appear wild & crazy while to others merely complicated.
I surmise they are looking at the outside and don't really know me. Many people think they do (know me) but
really have no clue what I am about or what I have QUIETLY done to help strangers and friends enjoy quality of this
life. Much like my recently departed dad helping someone's heart to smile is something I take pleasure in doing.